Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The Playoffs

Since the Boys are taking January off this year, we have become Seahawks fans. It's been easy watching the Hawks destroy all but two of their opponents this year, although it was difficult watching them beat the Cowboys. We didn't cheer for them that day.

This Saturday will be great as the Hawks will exact some revenge on the Redskins for us.

I hope they beat them silly.

Anyway, I haven't got any new photos. I haven't gone anywhere. It's always raining. I'm really sick of the rain. We'd go up to the mountains or go fishing, but it's only nice when a football game is on.

Oh well, it has been in the 40s an awful lot lately. At least here in town.

My fishing buddies say it's time to hit the water, but I'm just now starting to feel halfway normal again following the stomach virus and broken tailbone.

Besides, I still have a freezer full of fish.


Carmel said...

A Seahawks fan!!!!? Well, I will cheer them on as they plummel the Redskins -- my love for that team is as strong as my love for the Kansas Jawhawks or the Atlanta Braves...

However, I'm cheering for Indianapolis because I think they will be the ones facing the Seahawks in the Superbowl. And I want the Seahawks to lose. Yep. We saw in the news that you guys are having an extraordinarily wet winter. And, we're going there?? What we do for grandkids...

Carmel said...

By the way, did you see your dad's "fish" photo on our site?