Saturday, November 11, 2006

Obama in '08!


Randuwa said...

Hey man, I agree! The curious part will be who becomes his VP choice. Vilsack of Iowa? This time around, the Dems really do have an embarrassment of riches: Clinton, Feingold, Biden, Edwards.

BTW, nice blog. I'm in my 23rd year as an elementary school teacher, sort of a serrogate hats off to you real ones! Also love the salmon pics...reminded me of the Coho's and German Brown's my dad and I used to get on the Au Sable River in Michigan when I was a kid.

Brian said...

Thanks for stopping by.

I would really like to see Dems wake up to Gov. Brad Henry, D-OK.

He wins soundly in a very red southern state. Exactly what Obama needs to have a chance in the south, specifically Florida.