Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Christmas Songs

We had another one of those moments last night. I have been thinking about it all day.

We bought a Christmas CD for the girls last year, which we play every now and then while we are driving around town. We were out last night driving home when the girls requested that we play the CD.

Once the music was on Chloe decided we needed to go look at "the lights."

So I drove all over Richland, in almost every neighborhood, so the girls could see all the houses lit up with lights and inflatable Santas and polar bears and penguins and reindeer.

Most Christmas songs on the CD have been heard around the house on an almost daily basis since I put the seasonal music channel on while I am cleaning the house.

Usually the girls play in their room, watch movies, or mess up the living room I just cleaned while I wash the dishes.

Last night it became clear that the girls love the Christmas music as they sang along to Jingle Bells, word for word, Frosty The Snowman, Santa Claus is coming To Town, etc..

As I drove through the lit up neighborhood with my two girls singing Christmas songs, I knew this was one of the happiest moments of my life.

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