Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Snow Day

Well, no we didn't get to go shopping today. Not that it would have been much fun.

We woke up to a few inches of snow, but it got colder as they day went on so the roads never melted the snow.

I did get to try out the traction on the new studded tires. Every other time it has snowed there was just a wet slush on the roadways. Today it was really cold. The girls were all excited about the snow and geared up for a snowman building project. They lasted only a few minutes after wee couldn't find their gloves right away.

I told them to wait indside while I dug them out of the car, but they didn't listen. Oh well. They refused to go outside the rest of the day.

Which is the reason I had to run around town by myself. HeeHee.

Robin says I should be able to go start the shopping tomorrow. I hope so, although I am disappointed that we won't get to do it all together. At least this way I can get her something. I am actually going to have enough money to find her a real present.

We have had to cheat the last few years, buying each other stuff we needed or shared.

I also got the bulk of the Christmas cards done and in the mail today. Hopefully they will get down there by Friday.

Well, I must go. I have to see if I have any boxes left in good enough shape to mail presents. No, I haven't done that yet either.

1 comment:

Carmel said...

Sounds like fun...snow. Just kidding. We had a dusting of snow and that was enough. We got your box into FedEx yesterday and they promise delivery by Saturday at the latest. That's the first of two boxes. The second one you'll get later.