Monday, March 06, 2006

Fishing Again

Well, we didn't catch any fish when my dad was in town.

Why should we start now?

On Saturday we piled into our little Hyundai and head east too the Blue Mountains.

It was our first trip to the Tucannon trout lakes of the year. (Last summer we went out there at least a dozen times.)

Since the logging slows down quite a bit during the weekends, we were able to drive all the way through to our favorite spots and look around.

The 50,000 or so acres that were lost to last summer's wildfires will really be missed. Last year I used several trees as markers to find my way around, but they are all gone now.

I was really lost. Which is odd because now that the main valley is wide open in places that once had trees so thick you couldn't see the moutains on either side.

As we drove through as much of the area as we could without the 4x4, I realized how much I had come to really love it.

Call me a tree hugging hippie all you want, but I kind of feel like I have lost a group of friends.


Anonymous said...

you tree lovin hippie, haha yeah that was sure news to us, lol
everyone that has ever known you has known that for some time :)


Carmel said...

Yep. We agree. We've known for some time that you're a tree hugger.

But there's nothing wrong with that.