Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Candy Hangover

The girls woke up this morning screaming for more candy.

They begged us to take them trick-or-treating at noon.

"I say thank you," Chloe pleaded.

The night before they would not say thank you or even trick-or-treat. They did however demand we go to each house on every block that we walked down.

After each house Chloe would say, "I wanna go more trick-or-treating."

We got the whole expedition on video, which we are getting set to send out as soon as we get the whole VHS tape filled.

This was the first Halloween in 7 years that we missed the big bash at John and Deana's. Well, 7 for me anyway. Robin missed a the ones before we met and one since. Last year's was cool. They did the Pirate's of the Carribean theme.

The girls and I watched the movie yesterday.

Deana and I keep playing phone tag, so I don't know what theme we missed this year. We didn't have any parties to go to up here. Since we were moving over the weekend it wasn't like we could throw one. Not that I really want to hang out with Robin's boss.

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